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Caring for Your Carpet With Pets

Pets are a part of the family, however, they can potentially cause a lot of damage to carpeting. Muddy paws, accidents, and pet hair are just a few of the issues homeowners are concerned about with a new carpet and pets.  If you're set on installing carpeting in your home, there are a few guidelines to ensure that your carpeting remains in top condition so that your whole family (including the furry members) can enjoy its comfort.

How do you keep your carpeting looking great with pets around? From choosing a carpet that accommodates pets to being prepared on installation day, there are a few ways to prevent issues. Additionally, there are ways to protect and keep up with the maintenance of your carpets to prolong their lifespan. We'll go over some of the best carpets that work with pets in the household. We'll also explain how to care for your carpeting with pets around, starting with the installation process. 

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Choosing Carpeting When You Have Pets

If you're trying to prevent damage from ever occurring, you should consider the type of carpeting you will choose for your home. Long piles and loop pile carpeting are generally the worst types of carpeting for households with pets. The long fibers hide dirt, dander, and hair, making it tough to keep clean. Additionally, stains and odors are harder to remove. The open loops often are caught on pets' claws, which leads to significant fraying and damage to the carpet.

The best option is low-cut pile carpeting. With this option, you'll have an easier time cleaning up messes and pet hair. Plus, you won't have to worry about pets snagging their claws on the pile since there aren't any loops. 

You should also consider the material of the carpeting. Certain types of fibers are less capable of resisting stains, dirt, and moisture than others. For the most durable option, you should opt for synthetic fibers. This type of carpeting will be stain-resistant, so you won't have to worry as much about the occasional accident or muddy paw print.

Installing Carpet with Pets

A new carpet and pets in the house tend to not mix well, especially if you are unprepared for possible pet issues. If you decide to have your carpeting professionally installed, it's best to think ahead and plan what to do with your pets. During the installation process, you should prepare to keep your pets far away from the area. 

If it's possible, you might want to consider taking them away from the house altogether. Any kind of home remodel process will likely include loud noises and strange scents, which can upset pets. The timeframe for the installation process varies, depending on several factors, such as furniture removal and oddly shaped rooms. But a professional team will likely need an entire workday to finish the job. 

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Maintaining Your Carpet with Pets

Once you've decided on a new carpet, you should know how to maintain it. If you install a new carpet and your pets immediately get it dirty, you might feel frustrated. One of the most important keys to maintaining your carpet with pets is prevention. With some helpful tips, you'll be able to keep your carpeting in great shape.

Prevent Mud and Dirt

After playing outside, your dogs may track in mud or dirt, especially on rainy days. The best way to prevent mud is to towel off their paws before they come inside. Another prevention method is to keep indoor and outdoor rugs by the entrances to your home. The rugs will be able to catch at least some of the dirt and debris and keep the carpet around these entryways from becoming discolored.

Promptly Cleanup Stains

Though stain-resistant carpeting is helpful and important for keeping your floors in great shape, you should always clean up any accidents or stains quickly. Even with stain-resistant, synthetic flooring, stubborn stains can form if they've been left for too long. Try to use a safe carpet cleaner as soon as possible.

Groom Regularly

Keeping your pets well groomed will help to maintain cleanliness throughout your home, including the carpets. It's a good idea to regularly bathe your dogs or send them to the groomers. Grooming will help with pet dander, shedding, odors, and dirt that can affect the carpeting. You should also consider trimming your pets' claws, as they can become easily stuck if your carpeting has a loop pile.

Have Daily Outside Playtime

Carpeting will see its share of normal wear and tear. However, there are ways to help prevent excessive wear. One way to prevent wear in high-traffic areas is to have your dogs run around and play outside of the home. Another preventive measure is to layer rugs over the carpeting. So when your dogs are playing and running around the home, you won't have to worry as much about wearing down your carpet. 

Stick to a Maintenance Schedule

You should try sticking to a maintenance schedule to ensure that your carpets stay clean and in exceptionally good condition. Vacuuming regularly is key to dealing with pet hair and dander. While it's usually recommended to vacuum once or twice a week without pets, you might need to vacuum more frequently if you have pets who shed. You should also consider a professional carpeting cleaning service at least once a year. They'll be able to deep clean your carpets and reach stains easily. 

A new carpet and pets can seem like a bad combination. However, with proper planning and regular maintenance, you can have well-kept and beautiful-looking carpets in your home, even with pets. We have a large selection of carpeting that is compatible with pet homes, including stain-resistant synthetic carpeting options.

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